The only constant is change (Ka Ching)!

We don’t do open courses. At least that’s what I told Matt Trimer, owner of i-vantage training in Blackfriars. How can an open course reflect a specific sector, a client’s issues and values? Like learning is all about bespoke training, full stop.

Yet all around me businesses are evolving, adapting, learning how to meet customer needs and survive.head-in-sand-iStock_000017719906Medium3

Going against the grain can be uncomfortable, as it was for me when considering our collaboration with i-vantage, my head was firmly in the sand, willing to ignore the risk of holding principle over good business sense, and the possibilities of having both.

Training and development should be accessible to many, it’s something we completely believe in, and quality open courses can surely embody the values and quality we are so proud of at Like Learning…..
End result? We are now piloting open courses, much to my surprise, and holding to our values by:


  • considering digital marketing as the primary sector, whilst making it relevant to all others

  • understanding our delegate requirements with one to one telephone assessment

  • enabling delegate choice through providing comprehensive support materials

  • making it possible for people to work through practical problems whatever the problem


What would you expect on an open course, to make sure it still reflected your personal training needs?  would love to hear your thoughts…now I have finally cleaned the sand from my ears….

Rachel Puttick
Courses Schedule: